Xingguo County

  • 网络兴国县
Xingguo CountyXingguo County
  1. Trend Analysis of Soil Erosion Dynamic in Xingguo County of China


  2. Soil Erosion Dynamic based on Landscape Pattern in Xingguo County of Jiangxi Province


  3. Survey and proposal on the construction of ecological project in Xingguo County


  4. Study on soil permeability in Xingguo County of Jiangxi Province


  5. Monitoring the Dynamic Evolution of Soil Loss in Xingguo County Through Satellite Remote Sensing Technique


  6. Organic carbon pool of forest soil and its relationship to environment factors in Xingguo county of Jiangxi province


  7. Spatial and Temporal Variations of Soil Erosion in Xingguo County from 1958 to 2000


  8. Spatial variance and distribution of total nitrogen and organic matter of soil in Xingguo County of jiangxi , China


  9. Change in Carbon Sequestration Potential of Cropland Soil for 20 Years in Xingguo County of Jiangxi , China


  10. This article used the seasonal change analysis method to analyse the regular of discharges in recent years in Xingguo county hospital .


  11. Investigation on the Implementation Effect and Villagers ' Satisfaction in Improving Drinking Water and Lavatories in Xingguo County of Jiangxi Province


  12. Retrieving Leaf Area Indexes for Coniferous Forest in Xingguo County , Jiangxi Province , in Use of Landsat ETM + Images


  13. Quantitative evaluating comprehensive benefit of soil and water conservation at small watershed scale in southern Red Soil Region-A Case Study of Xingguo county , jiangxi Province


  14. According to some standards of erosion grading by MWR of China , we finished the classification of soil erosion and potential amount of soil erosion of XingGuo county .


  15. A STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT , UTILIZATION AND CONSERVATION OF THE ERODED LOW HILL PURPLE STONE AREA XINGGUO COUNTY ── Change of soil fertility after the re-establishment of the ecosystem


  16. In all samples , Xingguo County and Yujiang County samples , the rent-out income has no significant influence on the farm household 's decision-making behavior soil and water conservation .


  17. Based on GIS technique , 38 samples of cropland soil were collected in Xingguo County , and the variable temporal and spatial characteristics of cropland soil organic carbon ( SOC ) were studied .


  18. Mineralized geological characteristics and prospecting criteria of the Yuanling gold deposit in Xingguo County , Jiangxi Province Study on early-warning system for heavy metal pollution of water and soil in metal sulphide mining area


  19. Soil samples were collected from 84 sample sites in woodland of Xingguo county in Jiangxi province . Sample sites were stratified on the basis of aspect and elevation , soil type , forest type . The strata were compared to determine the influence on woodland soil fertility .
